Mouse Button 4 Back Disabled
Disable right mouse buttons or keyboard keys - lock your windows OS Featured
Feb 2, 2018 - The keyboard shortcut to turn on and off Mouse Keys is to press the left. Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 4. Jan 16, 2019 - I want to push those buttons for other reason and NOT go forward. Can we get an option to toggle enable/disable it pretty please?:) 4.
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For about 10 years now BasicMouse kiosk software helps out companies, children, gamers, people with learning disabilities, people with Parkinson's disease by disabling the right mouse click or any configurable mouse key or keyboard key, prevent accidental clicks or it can even merge all mouse keys into one click.
Companies / museums, schools use it to let BasicMouse run their computers in kiosk mode because it prevents the computer from being messed with while running only the application you want it to run!
Picture this: you are trying to let your kid play a game on the computer. Within 8 seconds you find yourself either somewhere in you computer configuration where you don´t want to be let alone want your kid to be or your faced with a dozen inappropriate websites..
BasicMouse puts an end to this, it is used by families all over the world, people with learning disabilities use it to get more grip controlling their computers, it´s used in museums, schools, companies, internet cafes and even by gamers who want to control their keyboard / mouse..
BasicMouse runs in the background, and you can configure it to allow only those mouse clicks or key presses on the keyboard you want it to.
For instance: you can create a basic configuration which allows only the left mouse button and the arrow keys on your keyboard to let your kid play a simple game.
Restrict your computer so it only does the stuff you want it to..
Parents, teachers, system administrators, they all use BasicMouse.
Educational software
A really useful program for students and kids:
o Helps them learn to use the mouse.
o Prevents them from accidentally clicking the right mouse button.
o Disables some or all keys of the keyboard.
o Let them learn and achieve goals without being distracted.
o Don't allow them to use other programs outside the BasicBrowser (with fixed url access)
Runs on Windows 10!
Related items
The keyboard shortcut to turn on and off Mouse Keys is to press the left Alt + left Shift + Num Lock keys.
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable the Mouse Keys left Alt + left Shift + Num Lock keyboard shortcut for your account in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
- Option One: Enable or Disable Mouse Keys Keyboard Shortcut in Control Panel
- Option Two: Enable or Disable Mouse Keys Keyboard Shortcut using a REG file
EXAMPLE: Mouse Keys confirmation when using keyboard shortcut
1. Open the Control Panel (icons view), and click/tap on the Ease of Access Center icon.
2. Click/tap on the Make the mouse easier to use link in the Ease of Access Center. (see screenshot below)
3. Click/tap on the Set up Mouse Keys under the 'Control the mouse with the keyboard' section. (see screenshot below)
4. Under Keyboard shortcut, check (enable - default) or uncheck (disable) Turn on Mouse Keys with left ALT + left SHIFT + NUM LOCK for what you want, and click/tap on OK. (see screenshot below)
Mouse Button 5
HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelAccessibilityMouseKeys
Flags string value (REG_SZ)
250 = Disable
254 = Enable
1. Do step 2 (enable) or step 3 (disable) below for what you want.
NOTE:This is the default setting.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 4 below.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 4 below.
4. Save the .reg file to your desktop.
5. Double click/tap on the downloaded .reg file to merge it.
6. When prompted, click/tap on Run, Yes (UAC), Yes, and OK to approve the merge.
7.Sign out and sign in, or restart the computer to apply.
8. You can now delete the downloaded .reg file if you like.
That's it,