Neonatology At A Glance Pdf
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This new textbook wants to offer to neonatologists and pediatricians a modern and complete view of the various problems and aspects of neonatology, currently one of the most complex and advanced fields of pediatrics. The first chapters will be dedicated to the epidemiology of neonatal mortality and morbidity and to the conditions responsible for neonatal risk. A section will be devoted to organizational problems of hospitals and home services for efficient modern neonatal and infant care. Particular attention will be paid to neonatal care, medico-legal questions, examination of newborns and current availability of laboratory facilities and instrumentation for identification of perinatal abnormalities. Neonatal nutritional problems will also be examined, outlining current knowledge of the needs of sick and healthy babies. Conditions jeopardizing fetal health such as diabetes, maternal drug abuse and smoking will be discussed. New advances in neonatal pharmacology will be extensively examined. Various diseases of the neonate involving lungs, heart, gastrointestinal tract, blood, immune system, endocrine system and kidneys will be also expounded in special chapters. Fetal and neonatal infections will be extensively discussed. Fetal and neonatal neurological abnormalities will be discussed by highly specialized authors. There will be chapters on neonatal ophthalmology, dermatology and orthopedics. Each chapter has beeb written by a well recognized international expert in his or her field. As the opinion leader in their field, the Author is responsible for giving the most up-to-date information in terms of what is known, what is still being researched, and what has become evidence based medicine. Underlying causes and mechanisms of neonatal diseases will be presented in an immediate form. The use of summaries, tables, and accurately selected guidelines or recommendations that will accompany the text will supply quick references and instant solutions to the concerned neonatologists during their daily practice.
Neonatology At A Glance Pdf
The Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology, Fifth Edition, provides detailed, step-by-step instructions on procedures performed in the neonatal intensive care nursery. In an easy-to-follow outline format, with more than 450 drawings and clinical photographs, the book presents clear, current information on indications, preparation, technique, precautions, and how to avoid potential complications. New for this edition: New chapters covering: Brain and Whole Body Coolling; Bubble CPAP; Educational Principles of Simulation Based Procedure Training to help you stay updated on the latest technology and information Access to free online companion website that includes fully searchable text, image bank and videos so you can access the content anytime, anywhere Video collection has been expanded to include: lumbar puncture, intraosseous infusion, bubble CPAP and pericardiocentesis for both commonly performed procedures and vital emergency procedures
Workbook in Practical Neonatology PDF Free Download. Neonatology at a Glance, 3rd Edition (2015) (PDF) Tom Lissauer. Neonatology: Management, Procedures, On-Call Problems, Diseases, and Drugs 4th Edition (1999) (PDF) Tricia Lacy Gomella.
Now in its second edition, the Oxford Handbook of Neonatology is the essential user-friendly guide for all healthcare professionals involved in the care of newborns. Accessible, practical, and updated with the latest evidence, this is a key resource designed for use at the cot-side. Using guidance from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and including the most up to date NICE guidelines, the second edition of this handbook uses extensive diagrams and an easy-to-use format to cover good communication practice, neonatal emergencies and technical procedures. Fully updated and revised with expanded sections covering therapeutic hypothermia and developmental care amongst other advances in the field, the Oxford Handbook of Neonatology is a valuable and up-to-date guide to a rapidly evolving field. Taking a valuable family-centred approach to neonatal care, this is the essential resource for all healthcare professionals working with newborns, from the undergraduate medical student to the doctor on the ward.
Practical and easily accessible manual on the basic and advanced management of the neonate. Covers procedures, disorders, and neonatal pharmacology in a logical outline approach that highlights the essentials of each procedure. The popular On Call Problems section presents over 30 common and serious patient problems. The Fifth Edition has been extensively revised and updated with new strategies for management of specific newborn respiratory diseases, updated information on the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases, and updated drug information.
This exciting new reference brings you information about the most controversial neurological challenges you face in your practice. The book confidently tackles these subjects and gives seasoned advice on the latest diagnostic and treatment strategies using evidence-based medicine wherever possible. It gives you the latest information you need to keep pace with the fast-paced, dynamic environment of neonatology. Addresses controversial topics head on, so you can decide how to handle these difficult practice issues. Serves as the bridge between the latest cutting-edge research and its application to clinical practice. Assembles a world-class group of neonatologists, representing the true leaders of the specialty, to ensure the most authoritative content available.
Neonatology at a Glance provides a concise, illustratedoverview of neonatal medicine. Written by leading internationalexperts, it provides essential information on perinatal medicine,delivery, the normal newborn infant and neonatal problemsencountered in neonatal intensive care units and theirmanagement. Each topic is supported by excellent illustrations, diagrams, and,for the first time, video clips to show neonatal resuscitation andstabilizing the sick newborn, normal examination, the baby withhypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, recognition of seizures andpractical procedures. Neonatology at a Glance: • Provides up to date coverage of the importantconditions you will encounter • Covers challenging topics including pain, ethicalissues, quality improvement, evidence based medicine and palliativecare • Features new sections on fetal medicine, respiratorysupport, therapeutic hypothermia, amplified EEG and perinatalneuroimaging • Integrates invaluable details about practicalprocedures including neonatal resuscitation and transport • Supplemented by video materials and artwork which canbe viewed via the companion website Neonatology at a Glance is the perfect guide for all healthprofessionals looking after newborn infants, including pediatrictrainees, medical students, neonatal nurse practitioners andneonatal nurses, therapists and midwives. For neonatologists,pediatricians and nurse tutors it is a valuable resource to assistwith teaching.
(3E 1987) Includes the fetal patient transition/stabiliza- tion the low-birth-wt infant pharmacology newborns etc.